Moti Begna

Scott Voss, AVHS English Teacher

The story comes from Halloween of 1991. Minnesota was hit with this massive snowstorm, and I was the only person working at SuperAmerica, since no one else was able to get there. I ended up working from 3 pm to 7am the next morning. It’s a little disconcerting when you’re up all night, and strange creatures begin to pop out. I remember one strange person who came in–clearly intoxicated–who looked totally, freaky-scary. He was this really buff guy, with long blond hair, who was wearing a leather jacket. He picked up a comb from a container on the counter, brushed his hair, put the comb in his pocket, and walked out. $3.35 an hour is not worth confronting a guy who stole a comb for 75¢, so I was like, “Have a good day, sir!”

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