Stay Motivated

Missy Elumba

Stay Motivated

Ethan Elumba, a junior here at Apple Valley, is a student who likes to challenge himself in his academics.  Ethan takes all of the Advanced Placement courses offered, and all of the honor classes that he can squeeze into his busy schedule.  With these classes comes a lot of stress–not just stress completely relating to academics, but stress that can pour over into other aspects of his life.  Amid this academic and personal stress, Ethan always finds himself asking, ‘Is it all worth it?’ and ‘Why did I take all of these challenging courses in the first place?’  Many students can relate to this stress that some deem as ‘unnecessary.’  Ethan’s advice for battling this pressure:  stay motivated.  Ethan finds the drive to finish his studying and schoolwork on late nights through the quote, “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” Although he doesn’t know who first said the quote, one thing is for sure:  Ethan maintains his motivation through difficult times by reminding himself that ‘It IS all worth it.’

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