Emma Larsen

Don’t Procrastinate


As many other student athletes often can relate to, freshman Tia Ahmed finds it difficult to balance school and academics.  Tia made the varsity soccer team as a freshman and continues to play and train all year round.  She typically has soccer six days a week, in addition to her schoolwork.  As life can be all about balance, your social, athletic, and academic lives can often conflict.  Tia’s advice for balancing priorities: don’t procrastinate with your schoolwork. With only one free day a week, Tia gets her homework done right away to ensure time for her friends and family.  However, this is easier said than done.  Tia thinks that if you are ever feeling overwhelmed, just find the motivation to get something done and don’t dwell over it.  Once you get that first thing off your list, you find it easier to get everything else done.  People think that when you are involved in many things, you have to limit your other activities.  Tia doesn’t agree with this common assumption, as she thinks if you are efficient with your schoolwork, your schedule will free up for social and athletic activities.

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