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Jan Moynihan

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Sophomore Molly Moynihan also prides herself in being a very involved student athlete.  Molly competes in cross country, basketball and lacrosse.  It goes without saying that she faces many mental and physical challenges from her sports and rigorous advanced courses throughout the school year.  She experiences not only a physical toll on her body, but a mental toll, as well.  Sometimes it seems like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to make everything fit!  It’s not only the fatigue Molly experiences from spreading herself very thin, but it’s also distractions that really cause her stress. “Mentally I face the trouble of starting homework–especially after a loss or a tough game–when all I want to do is go to bed.”  Her sports often conflict with her academics, and vice versa, but this doesn’t stop her from achieving a balance.  Her advice to not let these distractions slow her down:  get a planner.  Molly thinks that if you plan your night out, while also anticipating some potential distractions, you will ensure that your time will be used the most efficiently.  

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