People to Know: Dr. Helgeson

People to Know: Dr. Helgeson

He’s intelligent. He’s wise. He’s influential. He lived and taught in Australia for two years and he’s worked at Apple Valley High School for 28 years…and he wears Polo, too.

Dr. Robert Helgeson is a living legend within the walls of Apple Valley High School. He has touched the lives of many high school students with his knowledge and advice, and he sure has many stories to tell.

Dr. Helgeson first graduated from Wartburg College with his bachelor’s degree. From there, he moved on to the University of Minnesota to obtain his Master’s degree, and his long journey ended at the University of Iowa, where he received his doctorate in English, granting him the title “Doctor.”

In terms of receiving a PhD, Helgeson says it is a very long, but gratifying process. “You will be cruising along and finally you have it and you realize nobody can take it away. So there is this sense of quiet accomplishment.”

Helgeson and wife Joanne in London.
Helgeson and wife Joanne in London.

Dr. Helgeson met his wife, who happens to be Australian, and after teaching at the University of Iowa for four years, they moved to Australia, where they lived for two years. It was in Australia where Helgeson discovered that teaching high school students was what he truly was meant to do.

Helgeson has his high school teachers to thank for his love for teaching.

“If I were to talk about how I got to be a teacher, it has to do with the experience I had in high school. I had some great teachers, absolutely great teachers.”

In fact, Helgeson refers to his high school German teacher as the best overall teacher he has ever had. “He taught me a lot more than just a specific subject,” Helgeson said. “He would lecture on stuff that was absolutely unrelated to German some days, but it all made sense and he was such an iconoclast. He kind of cut across the grain of common thought and he had insight. He was fabulous.”

Throughout his many years of teaching, Helgeson has traveled to some amazing places. He has covered everywhere from the Barrier Reef to Barcelona to New Zealand.

Dr. Helgeson dabbles in AP Lang classes, Topics in Literature War, and even the occasional study hall, during a typical day for him at AVHS. On top of the various English classes he teaches, he is also the head of the Language Arts department.

“I love teaching,” Helgeson says.

Helgeson's children, Sam, Alexandra, Charlotte, and Nick
Helgeson’s children: Sam, Alexandra, Charlotte, and Nick

While Dr. Helgeson sings the praises of his high school teachers, it is safe to say that there are many students at AVHS who do the same for him. Two Apple Valley seniors in particular will be leaving for college in the fall, having been influenced significantly by Dr. Helgeson.

Ellie Bonin says “He really helped me as a writer and with preparing for college in more ways than just English. He gives good advice and tells awesome stories.”

“Mr. Helgeson is a teacher that genuinely cares for each and every one of his students and has a strong passion for what he does. He has impacted my high school education greatly and I always love seeing him in the halls or around school,” Frankie Kelly told me excitedly when I asked him about his experiences with Dr. Helgeson.

During our conversation, I got to see a side of Helgeson that he does not usually show off inside of the classroom. Check

out a few of Helgeson’s favorites below. But first, take some time to appreciate the true impact Dr. Helgeson has had on the students he has encountered throughout his years of teaching. There are few who are truly as passionate, knowledgeable, and humble as him at AVHS.

Favorite (card) game: Kings in the Corner

Favorite TV show: No favorite, but likes Black Mirror and Star Trek. “I’m kind of geeky about the original.”

Favorite color: Blue and yellow

Favorite food: “If you want a ritualistic, holy, sacred meal….White Castle.” Oh, or lasagna.

Favorite vacation: 1. New Zealand/Cook Islands

  1. Bali/Java
  2. Barcelona
  3. Barrier Reef

Favorite store: Cheapo Records

Worst job: Assembly line at Whirlpool

Best job: Teaching at AVHS

Family: Wife, Joanne, and children, Alexandra, Sam, Nick, and Charlotte

Life lesson. Be nice and travel.

Personality: “Just put ‘doofus.’”