Tech-Crew: Behind-the-Scenes Heroes

Cliff Dodge

A former techie sent the crew a care package with new pillowcases for the cushions they use in the catwalks during this year’s broadway

Ever since Apple Valley High School opened up its doors in 1976, the arts department has become a thriving aspect of our daily school lives. From the band program, to the choir program, to every art and dance program in between, the art department has grown and excelled into the successful, creative family it is today.

There is nothing that better shows this success than our school’s productions. Whether it’s the fall play, Broadway, or the spring play, these productions proudly feature Apple Valley’s finest talent. We praise the actors and actresses, applaud the singers, and groove to the music performed by the band…but what of the group that is off the stage?

This group is the tech crew, silently and efficiently coordinating all of Apple Valley’s productions from Godspell in 1976 to the upcoming play The Enchanted Pig. Staying after school till the late hours of the night, the group works a variety of jobs to make the whole production both cosmetically pleasing for the audience, as well as functional.

“Tech crew has a variety of jobs, such as sound to backstage to lighting,” says tech crew member Kayla Markwell. “There’s a little something for everyone here.”

Emma Sackett painting the background set for The Enchanted Pig
Leigh Rosenthal
Emma Sackett painting the background set for The Enchanted Pig

There are many different tasks that each member of tech crew has to perform in order for each play to run smoothly and look good. One of these is the lighting, where the crew will control which lights turn on and off, as well as running the spotlights. Another is creating the background staging. This means constructing and painting the different sets they make, as well as creating different props. Last, but definitely not least, is the sound production, which helps with the actors’ microphones and the effect music.

The members of the tech crew have become a tight knit community, having fun while working hard for hours on end trying to make each show as successful as the last. Many members are non-transient, which means that most of them will work with the same people for all four years. It’s because of this that the crew becomes like a family for most, so much so that even past alumni came to help with the production this year.

“I have a boat-load of fond memories here,” says Michael Rieth. An alum of AVHS, Michael has come back to help lead the group for the upcoming play. “I met a lot of friends here that I still have to this day. (Tech crew is) a great place to really get to know people.”

It is because of this reputation of tech crew that more and more members are joining every year, with this year having more people than ever before.

“This is the most students I’ve worked with before,” says tech crew supervisor Roger Skophammer. “It’s an exciting challenge and it’s certainly fun!”

So, are you interested in joining the tech crew family?

“You have to be willing to work,” says senior crew member Aaron Toavs. “It’s a time commitment, so you have to be willing to put in that time. You have to come in with the attitude that you want to have fun but you want to get stuff done. Anyone can join if they want.”

The performance of The Enchanted Pig is out for the public on April 28, 29, 30 and May 1, so go out and support the tech crew and the rest those involved with the play!