Kyle Steinberg

Goodbye: A Letter to AVHS

May 26, 2016

Dear AVHS,

Graduation is fast approaching, a time each year filled with anticipation of summer and beyond, as well as sadness for what is being left behind. But there is one thing different about this year: I’ll be in the graduating class.

So I guess it’s time to say goodbye to you, Apple Valley, essentially my second home for the past four years. I have to be honest, I’ve been looking forward to leaving for a while now (come on, how great does college sound?), but as the end draws near, I’m starting to remember the great times I’ve had here.

It’s hard to believe that I’ll never again head out for a run with my teammates and best friends. Sure, there might’ve been some complaining about the heat or the cold, the wind or the rain, but honestly, those times created some of my favorite memories. Donning the brown and gold for a race gave me a rush I’ll never forget, even if I was about as far from Mo Farah as you can get. (If you didn’t get that reference, don’t worry. He’s only the best distance runner in the world.)

Through my four years here, one of my favorite things about AVHS has been all the events it puts on, and the ability I had to watch my fellow students perform and compete. While I’ll certainly be back to check out the talents of the Eagles who follow, sitting in the Broadway audience won’t be the same without my buddies onstage rocking out with the whole crowd. No matter how much I want to, I’ll never return to my days in the Apple Valley student section, jumping and cheering our teams to state championships (#2 in the state and don’t you forget it).

I’ll even kind of miss the late nights I’ve spent hammering away my homework (or procrastinating, I’ll let you use your imagination for that one). I may have come to school looking like something from The Walking Dead, but it’s cool to know all the work truly did pay off in the end. It seems like just yesterday I was doing my summer civics homework before freshman year—now I’m taking placement exams for college. All of this is because of the amazing staff at AVHS. To everyone who has helped me get to this point: Thank you.

Lastly, I want to say goodbye to The Talon. It all started with an idea mentioned to me at junior year back-to-school night, from a teacher who was just starting his first year at AVHS. He wanted to bring back the school paper–absent for nearly ten years at that point–but he wasn’t sure how many people would be interested. The idea finally came to fruition this past fall, and after many 6th period planning sessions, The Talon had a name, a website, and a staff of around 40 people who all worked incredibly hard for this upstart club. In just six short months, our staff was able to become an SNO Distinguished Site, something only 18 other schools across the NATION have done. It has been a blast getting to write about Apple Valley sports this year, but I may have had even more fun reading what my classmates wrote–you guys are awesome journalists.

So, yeah. That’s it. I’m done. To my fellow seniors: We made it. Let’s party (but not too hard, of course). To the juniors: It’s your school now, but be careful. It may sound cliché, but soak up every minute of senior year, because it really does go by fast. Even if you want to just jump ahead to college, realize that this is the last time you and your friends will all get to just hang out together, and take advantage of it. If that means not turning in that five-point homework assignment on time, so be it–just as long as you don’t let things get out of hand. Have FUN being seniors, and don’t overstress yourselves too much. We seniors know we’re leaving the school in good hands.

So thank you, Apple Valley High School. You’ve given me everything I need to start my life, and for that, I’m very grateful. Brown and gold may not be the most fortunate school colors, but I’ll always sport them with pride.


Kyle Steinberg

Class of 2016

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