Courtney McCuddin

Thanks For the Memories

Well seniors, it’s finally here. The moment we have all been working towards for the past twelve years. And it will all be over in the blink of an eye when you reach for that diploma on June 4th.

From the first day of freshman year to the last day of senior year, when we walk out of AVHS for the last time, we students go through a lot: a lot of classes, a lot of teachers, a lot of lunches, a lot of sporting events, a lot of school dances, a lot of plays, a lot of choir concerts, and, most importantly, a lot of friendships. It is hard to believe how much we truly fit into four years, but hopefully we all had a lot of fun and made a lot of memories along the way.

As the end of the school year approaches, there is so much to reflect on. So, I asked some fellow classmates to reflect on their past four years here at Apple Valley High School, and we came up with a unique account of memories made over the years.

Tia San Agustin
Silas Anderson
Mumina Mohamud
Brock Morgan
Ellen Ennett
Yassin Abasher
Anna Chanthavisouk
Henry Luetje
Katie Moynihan

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