Turning a New Chapter

Having fun with the marching band on game day!

Leigh Rosenthal

Having fun with the marching band on game day!

Tears of all kind rolled down the cheeks of the seniors on June 2nd. Tears of joy, of relief, of gratitude, of sadness. This was the day where the seniors finished their academic careers here at Apple Valley High School.

The only way I can describe this day is that it was so bittersweet. With tears of my own falling down my face currently, I recount many of the memories I have with the few seniors in my life, all who I’m thankful I can call my friends. All of the senior class has been my role models for success ever since day one of high school, and I can’t thank them enough for taking that amazing role in my life.

As the seniors leave to further their education all across America, the baton is now handed to the junior class as the head of the school, and all I can feel is a sense of excitement and nervousness of the new chapter being placed in front of me.

Senior year, in my eyes, is going to be one of the best years yet. So many fun and life changing events are going to happen. Being in the front row for sporting events with friends, being able to go to New York for the upcoming band trip, and the fact that our class is the top of the food chain of students definitely is a bonus.

I think one of the best opportunities that’s going to happen to us as seniors, though, is deciding what college we want to go to. To finally have our applications in and to be accepted into a college, and to feel the weight of that stress off our shoulders…personally, I feel like that’ll be one of the best days of my life.

However, though I’m excited about a future life in college, I can almost guarantee I’ll be like most of the current seniors on the last day of school: crying my eyes out.  So many of my best memories come from Apple Valley High School. It’s the place where I met some of my closest friends. The place where the band program is like a second family to me. The place that helped me decide that I wanted to major in biology. I’ll miss this high school no matter what, even though I complain about my homework load A LOT.

Gladly, I don’t have to think about saying goodbye just yet. One more year, and us upcoming seniors have to make the most out of it. Whether it’s making the goal of trying to prevent a massive senior slide, or trying to spend more time with friends before college, we have one shot.

Let’s make the next year memorable. 🙂