15 Things You Learn in High School


Desks arranged in rows for testing

High school can be a rough place. Apple Valley students spend 7+ hours at school every weekday from September to June– that’s a lot of learning. But while knowing that the  mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell is a vital life lesson, let’s turn to Apple Valley students to find out, aside from academics, what you ACTUALLY learn in in high school.

  1. Food is sacred


Eating is one of a high schooler’s favorite activities. But what happens when someone reaches across the table and plucks one of your precious fries from your Cane’s basket? You sit there passive aggressively, smiling on the outside, but crying on the inside. Sophomore Halima Badri says she’s learned “if you have food, don’t let other people know. Especially if you have gum.”

Even though eating is a favorite activity, many high schoolers find it difficult to get enough food, especially enough healthy food. Senior Noah Sanders says, “My typical breakfast consists of CheezIts and a Kwikade. And usually my ham sandwich is gone by third hour.”

Disclaimer: The Talon advocates that “sharing is caring.”

2.Sleep is optional?


Some of us think that we are invincible. The subject of sleep is not different. Senior Keegan Hackett says, “I’ve learned that sleep is necessary on the weekends when you can actually get it. An occasional night of 3 hours isn’t going to kill you.  And coffee is your friend.”

Disclaimer: The Talon suggests you get 8-10 hours of sleep a night.

3. The senior slide can be very real


Everyone has heard of the dreaded “SENIOR SLIDE,” where the slacking off increases and the grade percentage decreases as seniors get into college. Senior Trevor O’Keefe says that it’s “the only slide that you don’t have fun going down.”

However, senior Leeann Wengenroth shares the sentiment that the senior slide is avoidable. “The senior slide is as much of a slide as you make it. It’s like a water slide–you pick one too big and you’ll get burned at the end.”

Disclaimer: The Talon does not suggest slacking off. #stayinschool

4. Better late than never


Monday. 7:45 a.m. You take that walk of shame into your first hour class, eyes following your every move. All because your alarm “didn’t go off.” You’re slightly ashamed, but you’re grateful for those extra minutes of sleep. Junior Reese Johnson jokes, “The most math I do is calculating how many times I miss first hour.” But hey, you showed up! You’re learning! That is an accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself.

Disclaimer: The Talon does not support skipping school.

5. And looking good can just be too much effort


Look at the cat. Look at it. Look. This is how we all look sometimes. Like this cat. And you know what? That’s okay.

Disclaimer: The Talon promotes personal hygiene.

6. There are only 24 hours in a day


You have one hour to get ready, one hour of pre-school activities, seven hours of school, three hours of practice after school, three hours of work, four hours of homework, one hour of eating, one hour of Netflix, one hour of exercise, and eight hours of sleep. That’s 30 hours. Good luck fitting that in a 24-hour day. Senior Calvin Hill has felt this time crunch before. He says, “I’ve learned as a high school student that time management is an important skill to have because not only does it keep you successful, but will be a necessity in college.”

Disclaimer: The Talon reminds you that 30 doesn’t equal 24.

7. Because no one actually knows what they’re doing


Disclaimer: The Talon knows what it’s doing.

8. Treat yo self


Senior Amanda Jorgensen sums it up: “I’ve definitely learned that doing what you can to help yourself before other people will turn out better for you.”

Disclaimer: The Talon says the correct grammar is “treat yourself.”

9. Your extracurricular activities can be your second home


Extracurricular activities are places to grow in high school. Senior Nick Finken reflects on his experiences: “High school has provided so many opportunities for me, whether I took them or not, to expand my boundaries and try new things. Our incredible performing arts and speech programs drew me in and kept me. They’ve taught me how to be who I really am and to strive to achieve my dreams.”

Disclaimer: The Talon notes that performing arts and speech does not kidnap students.

10. Don’t worry about the haters


People can be haters. But you know what? Haters. Gonna. Hate. Senior Calvin Hill more eloquently elaborates on this idea: “I’ve learned not to care what others think about you because what really matters is what you think of yourself.”

Disclaimer: The Talon supports use of correct grammar. For example, “Haters are going to hate.

11. Don’t worry, be happy


It’s no secret that high school can be stressful, but senior Katie Lorenz has some advice: “I learned to just be happy and not worry about the little things.”

Disclaimer: The Talon believes you should worry about some little things. Like germs.

12. It’s a roller coaster.


High school is like life: there are good days and bad days. You just have to keep going. Senior Elise Jensen agrees: “I’ve learned that there are a lot of ups and downs.”

Disclaimer: The Talon wants you to know that high school is not literally a roller coaster.

13. It’s okay to let go


Jensen continues, “There are just some people that were put in your life and just weren’t meant to stay, so I learned how to deal with those situations without getting too distraught over it.” Letting go is important in high school. You can’t get caught up over a bad grade, bad hair day, or bad school lunch. Let it go and move on.

Disclaimer: The Talon does not recommend letting go of everything. Please hold onto keys, phones, and laptops.

14. If you compare yourself to other people you’ll never be happy…


Disclaimer: The Talon does not wish to advertise “Dance Moms.”

15. …  because you are the best person you can be


Senior Nick Finken wraps up what he’s learned in high school: “I’d say that—aside from academics—I’ve learned how to express myself, as corny as that sounds.” Everyone is different. No one can be a better you than you!

Disclaimer: The Talon… actually The Talon likes this one. 🙂