Kaitlin Lee


Kaitlin Lee

Kaitlin Lee – Chemistry teacher

1.People of Paper, by Salvador Plascencia

“This is a beautifully written post-modern book that utilizes techniques of metafiction. The characters are vivid, the story authentic, and the message timeless.”   

2.The Disappearing Spoon, by Sam Kean

“As a self proclaimed science enthusiast, the history that surrounds the quest for and discovery of the elements on the periodic table is riveting. Getting to learn about the scientists as people is intriguing. The trials of humanity are very apparent in the quest to discover that which cannot be seen.”

3.Name of the Rose, by Umberto Eco

“I read this in high school and loved all the interworking and multilayered meaning littered throughout the book. Also, after having read pieces of writing from Aristotle the plot point surrounding the loss of one of his great works felt heartbreaking.”

4.Dune, by Frank Herbert

“My dad first instilled a love of fantasy and science fiction in my life. The epic world created in Dune is wonderful. It is a true escape, and a world that I miss greatly after finishing reading one of the books.”

5.The Name of the Wind, by Patrick Rothfuss

“Despite being riddled with what feels like every fantasy cliche, somehow this book works. It more than works. All of the cliches feel authentic, and in the end Patrick Rothfuss takes most standard fantasy plot points and twists them just enough to make them feel new.”

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