No More Empty Nesters

Should you stay or should you go?

It used to be that leaving home after high school was a great milestone. Think about the freedom and maturity that comes with owning a place. However, times have changed and many young adults are now looking forward staying in the nest for a little while longer.

According to a recent article by CBS, a study conducted by Trulia found 40 percent of young adults are preferring to stay home after high school due to low wages, student loans, and high cost of housing. The last time that percentage hit a high was in the 1940s–right after the Great Depression was over!


In the last decade, things haven’t been going well for young adults. According to  the Institute of College Access and Success, “The typical undergraduate student borrower had $30,100 in student loan debt in 2016, a surge of 53 percent since the last decade.”  That’s enough to start your own small business! Housing prices have also gone up because of a recession that’s happened in the last decade: “Rents have skyrocketed, thanks to the confluence of higher housing prices and the increased demand for rental apartments.”

Erika Lee Olson a senior of AVHS says, “What I’m scared about moving out is paying bills, heating, and taxes.” A lot of advantages can come from high school grads staying home, in addition to the cost savings.

(Matt Demorest)

Another reason would be that jobs from home have hit an all time high. According to Marketplace, “The latest benefits survey from the Society for Human Resource Management finds 60 percent of companies offer telecommuting, working from home on an occasional or regular basis.” These days, online jobs are available through companies, as well as independent careers like blogging and Youtubing, which have become a Millennial and Generation X phenomenon.

Olson says, “I’m subscribed to a lot of Youtubers and it’s definitely one of those jobs that’s more efficient at home.”

Olson is one of those graduates who will be living at home after high school. “I’m going to be staying home but as soon as I can get on my own feet I think it’s an important experience to learn how to be independent.”

However, despite the increase in undergraduates staying back home there are still others out here who’ve found their way moving out after graduating high school and never regretted it.

Viet Nguyen, a junior at the University of Minnesota, says, “I motivated myself to move out after high school because I wanted to experience what it was like to see the world.” Moving out can also change one’s perspective about life after high school.  Nguyen says, “I definitely see myself appreciating my parents more than I did and it helped me grow up.”

Who doesn’t want to grow independent and live for themselves? But depending what someone looks for in a career and future. Staying at home with parents after high school has become less of a taboo. The options are open, just make the right one that fits your best interest, whether it be paying rent every month or asking your parents to let you stay in the nest for a little while longer.