People to Know: Theresa Kuhn

Theresa Kuhn and her husband Chris Kuhn in South Dakota

The majority of students at AVHS know Mrs. Kuhn as an English or AVID teacher but outside of the brick walls of AVHS, she takes on a variety of different roles than that. She is a wife, mother, woman of faith and role model to many.

Mrs. Kuhn is surrounded by a loving family in which she “enjoys every minute of her time at home”. She has a husband, Chris, and four children, Rose who is 11, Isaac who is almost 9, Joseph who is 7 and the youngest, Gianna, who is 5.

On her free time, Mrs. Kuhn enjoys cooking, learning about new recipes, trying new things, sewing, reading, watching movies and working out, but “not vigorously”.

Theresa is a graduate from Rosemount High School as well as Winona State where she majored in writing. She began her journey to become a teacher here at AVHS where she student taught under Mrs. Dahl-Nuhring and Mr. Weaver, who doesn’t teach at AVHS anymore. She substitute taught for around six months before getting the job as an official teacher and according to Mrs. Kuhn, “the rest is history”.

Mrs. Kuhn’s decision to become a teacher was an easy one, she wanted to help kids the way that her fifth grade English teacher helped her. “I had a teacher who was so kind to me. It was kind of a bad period in my life. I was bullied by these kids, I remember being spit on, being called a dog and ugly, people stealing things from me and running away. Getting taunted was a regular thing for whatever reason. I was such a quiet kid that I internalized it and I didn’t defend myself. I didn’t tell my parents but I just remember that I would get these stomach aches and not be able to go to school and in some ways it was kind of like a psychological sickness where I just didn’t want to go to school because of these kids. My teacher took me aside and helped me and got me through it, I don’t even remember it going away but it did and i’m sure it had a lot to do with whatever she said. It was at that point where I knew that I wanted to do exactly what she did for me, but for other kids.”

The best thing about being a teacher at AVHS, according to Mrs. Kuhn, is the kids. “I mean honestly, I smile all day because I just really enjoy being around students.” She also loves creating lesson plans and activities and AVHS is the perfect place to do just that.

Mrs. Kuhn didn’t choose the AVID life, the AVID life chose her. “In all honesty, I was selected…they said the AVID elective teacher should be an English teacher because of the writing aspect of it. It wasn’t something that I actively sought out but it was something  that was given to me and I felt like it was almost meant to be because I really enjoy it.”

Mrs. Kuhn does more than just teach AVID, she is like a second mother to some of her AVID students and a role model to many. Alvin Pacheco Omana, a senior at SES, as well as one of the AVID Leadership Presidents, stated, “Mrs. Kuhn has been a mother figure outside of home. Although I never had her as a teacher, she has taught me to become a better version of myself. I thank Mrs. Kuhn, because without her, my life could have taken so many wrong turns.”

So next time you need advice, an opinion or are just in need of a talk, consider going to Mrs. Kuhn, you won’t regret it.

5 words that Mrs. Kuhn would describe herself as:

  1. Joyful
  2. Hardworking
  3. Faith Filled
  4. Grateful
  5. Teacher