Replenishing Our World Drop by Drop

Children in Ukraine are taught about the importance of clean water during World Water Day.

As nationally celebrated days such as Earth day and World Water day pass, the amount that we give back to nature is seriously questioned. From droughts to devastating floods, people have wondered of ways to rationalize our natural resources in hopes of saving lives and the ecosystem.

“I understand the importance of water, because it not only makes up a vast percentage of our body but it also makes life more efficient,” says AVHS senior Asha Durgapersad, as she reflects upon the World Day for Water. Many organizations sharing her belief, such as the United Nations, are taking action to tackle the crisis of scarce water and celebrate this international period.

However, the uses of this limited resource might surprise most. From consumption to agriculture care, we continue to use it without considering its value. It is mind-blowing to know that the average person uses approximately 80-100 gallons a day, 29% of which literally goes down the toilet. Only 9% is used for bathing.

Opposed to those who have access to clean water in the comfort of their own home, approximately 1.8 billion people are forced to use contaminated water. “I constantly have thoughts about the people back home in Somalia or other places experiencing drought and wonder whether the amount of water we waste could save someone’s life,” says AVHS junior Muna Hussein.

Their source for water has been contaminated with feces, putting these individuals at risk of cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio. It is not surprising that most of the countries experiencing this, such as Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Chad, and many more, are developing countries with limited resources to treat such illnesses. Therefore, 6 to 8 million people will die from the repercussions of disasters and water-related diseases.

Water-scarcity is also a pertinent struggle. Since 70% of our world is covered with water, most people might believe drinking water is similarly plentiful. However, only 3% of our water is freshwater and safe to drink.

Although preserving water through dams and irrigation systems has proven successful, these water systems are constantly under stress. More clearly identifiable obstacles include pollution, waste through agriculture, and population growth.

“I believe this issue could sometimes be easily disregarded since we can’t relate with not having a source of clean water,” says Muna Hussein, “However, we need to branch out of our comfort zone and help those who might not be as well off as we are.”


Change can only occur through the actions of people. A simple action such as donating to a charity that’s supporting this cause or being mindful of your own usage could make a great impact.