The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2

The Mockingjay Sails Through The Box Office

Zynab Ahmed, Arts & Entertainment Writer

With its phenomenal backdrop and amazing technical features, The Hunger Games Trilogy has finally come to an end, leaving a fiery path in its wake.

Gaining $52 million over three days and earning a four out five stars in Fandango, “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2” depicts a fictitious world that envelops viewers with both a phenomenal acting and a jaw-drop worthy effects, earning much success with its viewers.

Katniss Everdeen, played by Jennifer Lawrence, is thrown into a whirlpool of chaos that ranges from fighting a war against President Snow to losing some of her closest friends and family. With the curtains coming to a close, The Mockingjay Part 2 makes sure that this trilogy ends just as strongly as it began, while adding a couple of twists and melancholic emotions in the mix.

The stage begins with Katniss recovering from her traumatic injury caused by Peeta, portrayed by Josh Hutcherson. She becomes further involved with the impoverished children of Panem and works her way to defeat President Snow, who is played by Donald Sutherland, as she experiences her own inner turmoil. It’s no wonder the trilogy is a must-watch to many, with the breathtaking moments shared between the characters to the blood-curdling excitement developed throughout the movie.  

Not only does the endless feud between Panem and the Capitol end in a marvelous unraveling, but the continuous dispute that has split the fans into either Team Gale or Team Peeta is finally put to rest. Seeing Katniss experiencing an emotional breakdown as a result of the burdens revolving the District’s and her personal relationship with Peeta is what keeps our eyes glued to the screen.

Give Me That Magnifying Glass!

After taking a deeper look into this movie, it becomes clear that the reasons why it transgresses beyond a simple action movie is the splendid acting and the careful delicateness given to each detail. The bold and empowering colors worn by Katniss Everdeen show her stone-cold side, scarred by the horrors of war. She continuously show signs of PTSD and Jennifer Lawrence does an amazing job painting an array of facial expressions and actions that leave people at the edge of their seat.

One of the most suspenseful moments occurred when Katniss had seen the swarms of bodies spilling out of the train that came from district 2. As she witnessed the brawl that took place, her face became sullen and her eyes mirrored a sense of helplessness. Her brief conversation with an escapee shows the extent of her exhaustion being constantly involved with this testing trial.

However, reinstating her status as a strong female role-model, she sets aside her worries and decides to take control of the situation. She directs their guns and murderous intentions towards Snow while showing a memorable sense of leadership. As she reaches the end of her speech, voice booming towards the crowd, strong and assured, a bullet engraves its path towards her and the screen fades into pitch blackness.