Week One is Done

Week one of school 2020.

What a week.

Our entire community is learning. Routines, technology, requirements, precautions, schedules. Week one was certainly an exhausting week for everyone. But it was also exciting.

Cohorts A and B got a chance to be back in the building twice and adjusted to having longer class periods. Cohort C figured out how to navigate Campus and Schoology for their materials. The teaching staff was thankful to have students back in the building.

Here are some students first week thoughts:

“I met new people and made new friends.” – Rachel Paulk (9)

“It’s weird. I don’t like it. I miss all the people. But it is nice to sleep in three times a week.” – Eleanor Pederson (12)

“Getting up (in the morning) is so tiring.” – Jonathan Zelaya (9)

(A positive was that) “I made a few new friends despite being brand new to the school.” – Kelsea Stirler (11)


Senior Sunrise group picture (Photographer: Jenna Junker)

Thursday morning, AVHS Student Council hosted Senior Sunrise. Superfans helped promote on Instagram. The point: to brighten everyone’s day. 

Despite a chilly morning at 45 degrees, seniors showed up at 6:45 am to watch the sunrise from the bleachers. There was also a full breakfast and some chalk to get creative with.

Maddie Lentz (12) draws the AVHS logo. (Photographer: Jenna Junker)

“It was a lot of fun,” noted senior Jenna Junker. Junker had to set 4 alarms to make it to Senior Sunrise.

It was a good week to be an Eagle.

Principal Mons takes advantage of his height to get a selfie with the whole group. (Photographer: Jenna Junker)